We create concrete made of plants (hemp), minerals (rocks) and water.
We want to restore Poland to its former power in hemp cultivation.
Do you know where to find fiber hemp?
These unusual plants are used in many industries. Examples? Health and beauty - as a component of natural supplements and cosmetics. Fashion - as an ecological raw material from which durable and super skin-friendly clothes are made. Hemp is also an ingredient of biodegradable packaging and components of insulating materials. Due to the rapid growth and deep root system of fiber hemp, they are used in permaculture, which is so necessary for us today. And this is just the tip of the iceberg because these extraordinary plants have as many as 25,000 uses!
One of the most fascinating aspects of using fiber hemp is hempcrete. It is hemp that gives this material its unique properties.
A huge advantage of hempcrete, which distinguishes it from traditional building materials, is its vapor permeability. This means that the material has the ability to transmit water vapor through its structure, which allows the regulation of air humidity and prevents the formation of mold.
This allows the hempcrete to react to moisture and always strive for balance. If there is high humidity in the room, e.g. when showering or cooking, the moisture will be able to escape through the hempcrete. On the other hand, if the air in your house is too dry during the winter, the concrete will effectively retain moisture inside. And vice versa - if the humidity is very high outside, hempcrete will regulate the level of moisture getting inside. All towards balance.
Give hemp a chance and enjoy naturally beautiful decor in your surroundings!
Hempcrete is known for its excellent thermal insulation properties. Thanks to this, it stays cool in summer and keeps warm in winter. It is also antiseptic and antifungal, which means it can inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. This makes concrete with hemp shives perfect for allergy sufferers and anyone who values high air quality.

Say goodbye to plastic!
Betonika is a radical change in thinking about utility objects.
By choosing hempcrete products, you support the environment and show concern for future generations. The objects you surround yourself with can be beautiful, and at the same time, their production can be harmless for other species, water and plants.
When you reach for Betonika products, you think about future generations who may not struggle with the problems of today's world, because it is you, today, who makes decisions, the effects of which will be visible only in a few years.
Each batch of flower-pots is different - we test different binders, techniques and fractions to create the perfect mixture that will be used to build your house or the house of future generations. Healthy, energy-saving, durable and beautiful. Thanks to your purchase, we can continue our development work.
Everything we create is 100% natural!
It is from hempcrete that we hand-make flower pots, platters and other small architectural objects. Each flowerpot is unique. We create it by hand, from scratch. All components used to create pots are ecological - water-based. For coloring, we also use only natural ingredients, such as clay, coal or... tomato puree. Most importantly, our products not only decorate your space, they also support it! How is this possible?
See products

Our mission is to spread awareness about natural construction and create environmentally friendly products.
We implement it by creating products that:
- are produced using raw materials that improve air quality - a hectare of hemp can absorb from 8 to 22 tons of CO2 per year, which is more than a forest!
- are made of natural components that are harmless to the environment,
- are completely biodegradable,
- have CO2 absorption properties,
- contribute to greater well-being and growth of plants by providing them with optimal conditions.
When creating the Betonika brand, we were guided by the principles of social and environmental responsibility and the desire to return to nature.
We create products for people who want to buy consciously and responsibly. If you want to surround yourself with items made from scratch from natural components, you're in the right place!
Each item available in the store is unique. Although the color series or patterns may seem the same, we assure you that they are not. These are objects with souls, created with care and love.
The history of Betonika
I love the green of trees and grass, the blue of the sky and the sandy color of grain. As the sun sets in the sky, I remember that the planet we live on is a paradise.
My name is Kornelia and I am the founder of the Betonika brand. I have been interested in the industrial use of hemp and natural medicine for many years. My interests also include geology, hence my passion for minerals and constant desire to learn about the Earth: its deposits, ancient uses of ores and geopolitics.
For several years I thought I would connect my life with music, but it turned out differently. Due to a series of unusual events, I came across a certain barn during my walk... And there I met Janek, Agnieszka, Tomek and natural concrete.
From this meeting and many hours of extraordinary conversations, the Magic Flower Pot was born - the idea of helping others stemming directly from our need to change the world. Together we founded a workshop under this name. This is a place where you can get to know the extraordinary raw material of hempcrete withyour own hands and create something new from it. During the workshops held at Magic Flower Pot, you will break away from everyday life, create something with your own hands and meet people who share common ideas.
For a year we considered what to do with the magic concrete so that the Magic Flower Pot could be fully financed by our work. The idea has matured and this is how we offer you these unique, although cast from a mold, everyday items. True works of art. The artistic and craft concept was created from the depths of our hearts, and although we can’t enclose the music in concrete, it is certain that the concrete will use its entire sound capacity before leaving the barn!